unofficial blog for course ART007

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Book PDF, Yifeng

Photo Book Pages PDF

This collection of photographs is a mixture of vertical, horizontal, and square composition, shot primarily with wide angle lens. A large portion of them is in 16:9 wide format, giving viewers an immersive visual experience. 

I am currently attending university in Bethlehem, PA, and have been taking many pictures of the area. However, this time, I decided to take a different approach to Bethlehem. Instead of photographing during the daytime, I shifted gears to after midnight, when the typically crowded and lively streets of the city are empty and practically silent. The photos are intentionally arranged in chronological order. As you flip through the pages, you will notice that the darkness slowly goes away, and Bethlehem wakes up peacefully with the sunrise.

2 thoughts on “Photo Book Pages PDF

  1. I really like the idea behind your book- shooting at night opens up so many different options and you took full advantage of different shooting and editing techniques- your book turned out awesome

  2. I really enjoyed looking at all of your night shots, especially the ones where the sun starts to rise and you can even see the stars. That makes for great composition and amazing colors. Your photos are all so interesting and lively. Great job!

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