I chose this particular photograph from a project named Baktana, created by Ami Drach and Dov Ganchrow, because it is particularly creative to me. Looking at the photograph I can see a brush with a plastic man placed in its bristles. I think that the use of the bristles in this brush as camouflage for the toy army many hiding within them makes this photo’s composition strong, interesting, and original. It creates a real-life scene of a man hiding in an area in order to protect himself. I think the visualization of this scene also makes this photo more interesting to a viewer. The bristles could represent something like bushes or trees, both things one could hide behind. The rough texture of the bristles also makes for an easy comparison to other rough textured objects such as the bark on trees or rough-feeling bushes. I think that the simplicity of the brush and the photograph also makes it easy for one to really focus on the plastic man in the photo and to create an imaginative storyline for him. All of these components make for a strong and interesting photo.
Here is the citation: Drach, A., & Ganchrow, D. (1996). Baktana [Photograph].