The Selma March by Bruce Davison depicts a group of civil rights protesters led by Martin Luther King Jr. fighting for civil rights and black suffrage. The focus of the image is a younger man with white paint on his face with the word, “vote” etched into the paint. He is looking away from the camera with his mouth slightly open. He is wearing a striped collared shirt with overalls, clothes telling of the time of this photograph. Behind him, we see more members of the protest. Behind and to the right of the boy in the front we see another young man looking directly into the camera. He is wearing a jacket with an American flag slung over his shoulder. To the boys left we see the rest of the protesters all looking in various directions wearing all different types of clothes.
This image is so effective at capturing a moment during the civil rights movement because of the content of the image. The two men in the middle and on the right side of the photograph are clearly patriotic individuals supporting the United States. It is clear that they are not fighting the country, rather they are fighting for their own rights in a system that has been oppressing them for years.