This image by Todd Webb was taken in 1945 in New York. LaSalle at Amsterdam features two vendors (men) standing with all of their vegetables to be sold. The first thing that caught my eye when looking at this photo was the sheer amount of vegetables almost dwarfing the two vendors. The man on the right is positioned about one third from the right of the photo. He is standing quite literally in the middle of all of his products. He is facing the camera at a slight angle. The other man is standing in the opposite third of the photo. His body is turned at a profile to the camera but his head is looking directly at the camera. Even though both men are looking at the camera, their body position seems natural meaning Todd Webb most likely just set up and snapped the picture without much warning. I chose to look at this image because it seemed like a real snapshot of regular life for a vendor back in 1945. Both of these men seem candid and the shot was definitely not planned out prior to the photographer capitalizing on this photo opportunity.