This series was shot by Judy Gelles in 1944 on a Holga Camera, which can be seen in the image below:

The first picture in the series (left) is taken on a partially cloudy day where the sun is slightly softer. The water in this picture is still and frozen in time. In the body of water you can see subtle textures suggesting a slight breeze flowing over the water, most likely guided by the trees surrounding it. There is a shadow cast by the trees over the lower left portion of the water.
The second picture is shows the motion of the water with a slight blur effect. It’s clear out with very little clouds in sight. The overhead sun is causing added texture to the shadows of each ripple. It looks like the shutter speed was around 1/30 for this picture. A tripod was definitely used because the sliver of land in the far distance is still rather sharp.
This last picture might’ve been taken with a higher shutterspeed. I’m assuming this because the wind in the previous picture seemed to be strong enough to cause the branches of the tree to sway considerably. The horizon in the back looks like the same strip of land as the second picture as well –this lead me to assume that it was taken not long after the second picture. The ground has a large shadow cast over it, most likely caused by an out of frame tree. Most of the focus is directed towards the texture of the rocks on the beach causing the water in the distance to blur out. The water in the back is bright from the sun beating down on it causing a nice contrast between the tree, the rocks, and the back drop.