The left most shot is creative, center is long, and right is short. I used a variety of lenses and shot my photos in different settings focusing on how I could create a good image in different levels of natural light.

This is my example of creative DOF. I cropped my image and decreased the exposure and upped the contrast. I played with the color levels slightly as well. This is my most successful shot.

This photo was shot with a wide angle lens and I set my camera to monochromatic. I increased the contrast just slightly and lowered the exposure minimally, just so the image was a but darker than my original. I played around with high pass sharpening, but it didn’t give me the effect that I wanted for this photo. My goal was to make this look somewhat timeless, as in the viewer cannot really tell what year this was taken in unless they really study the objects image. It could have been taken in 1984 or 2020.

I cropped this image from my original shot. I think I was able to focus more on the macro details of this shot by cropping it. I also used high pass sharpening. The only problem I have with this photo, is that it looks dull on a white background like this web page. On photoshop’s gray background, it doesn’t look dull at all. I chose not to up the brightness anymore after I felt it looked dull because the edited photo itself in full screen looks fine in terms of white balance.