The content of this photo by James Rodriguez is extremely powerful. This photograph was taken in Guatemala years after the Guatemala Civil War. The men seen in the photo are transporting bodies found to their proper burial site. As impactful as the content of this image is, the way Rodriguez shot the photo could arguably be just as powerful, if not more so. The composition of this photo is so strong due to the long depth of field, the way in which the mens’ faces are covered by the box of corpses and the gloominess in the sky and shadows. The way the mens’ faces are covered by the box is what sticks out to me the most when I look at this photo. It is almost as if they don’t want to be seen because they are ashamed to be carrying bodies of their own people and country. The clouds breaking in the top right corner to show a glimpse of blue sky signals hope for the future of Guatemala. With the entire photo being in focus, the viewer gets a full visual of the actions that took place on this day.

Good observation of impact and focus.