What is this post? analysis of Aaron Siskind’s photograph. Assigned to slide #4.
AARON SISKIND (#4): Guadalajara 21, 1961

Aaron Siskind’s Guadalajara 21, 1961 is one of his many black and white photographs. This photo has many textures and layers that make the photograph extremely interesting and somewhat confusing to look at. The darkest part of the photo appears to resemble some sort of a splatter like texture, possibly made with paint. Across the center of the photo a paper or tape like component that closely resembles caution tape, interrupts the splatter texture . On the far left and right side of the image the tape like component drops down and then wears away. When looking closely the paper/tape has names on it with a circle next to each name creating the possibility that it may be a voting ballot. The entire composition seems to be on a cracky old wall with stains on it that resemble coffee stains on. Lastly there is a wavy line of a darker grey towards the top in addition to a dark line above that that may be the top of the wall, surface of the image.
There is also a line near the top with a regular curve that seems to be a fragment of a large circle or ellipse. Good observations.